Counseling Services

The Ark Family Center's counseling service will involve working with family members and individuals to improve communication, solve problems, and enhance relationships. Our therapists will use various techniques to address trauma, improve understanding between family members, and resolve conflicts.

Our counseling services will result in:

  • Improved communication
  • Trauma informed care
  • Conflict resolution
  • Strengthened family bonds
  • Personal growth
  • Emotional well-being
  • Overcoming past trauma

Transitional Housing

Our nonprofit organization is dedicated to providing a safe haven for domestic violence survivors as they transition into independent, violence-free lives. At The Ark Family Center, we understand the immense challenges faced by survivors, and we firmly believe in the power of compassion, support and a nurturing environment. 

Using the Housing First model, we will seek to stabilize housing immediately so that other needs can be met. Survivors will be offered the opportunity to sign a lease on an apartment or a house that best suits their families' needs. 

Comprehensive Support

The Ark Family Center will provide intensive, comprehensive support services and resources for two years, leading up to the survivors' independence. Through a collaborative process, our advocates will help survivors navigate through our program as they understand themselves better, cope with day-to-day stress, overcome past trauma, and achieve their personal goals.

This support will include:

  1. Safe and secure housing: The program will provide survivors with temporary housing in a secure and confidential location, where they can feel safe and protected from their abuser.

  2. Individualized case management: Each survivor will be assigned a case manager who works closely with them to assess their needs, develop a personalized action plan, and provide ongoing support and guidance.

  3. Counseling and therapy: Survivors will have access to mental health professionals who provide individual, family and group counseling to help them process their trauma, build resilience, and heal from the effects of abuse.

  4. Legal advocacy and support: The program will offer survivors assistance with navigating the legal system, obtaining protective orders, and accessing legal resources to address custody, divorce, and other legal issues related to domestic violence.

  5. Financial assistance: Survivors will be provided with resources and support to secure stable income, access public benefits, and develop financial literacy skills to achieve long-term financial stability.

  6. Life skills and empowerment trainings: The program will offer trainings and classes on topics such as healthy relationships, parenting skills, job readiness, and self-care to help survivors build their confidence, self-esteem, and independence.

  7. Self-Defense training to help participants protect themselves, but also give them a sense of empowerment and control over their own safety and well-being.
  8. Career development.
  9. Referrals to community resources: Survivors will be connected to community resources such as healthcare, childcare, education, and job training programs to support their long-term success and well-being.